About Us


Ceehairdesignz is owned and operated by Celena, a self-taught braider from Jamaica, who has been braiding from a teenager. Having a passion to create hairstyles and “play” with hair, she mastered her craft by braiding her own hair, and those of family and friends.

From constantly being questioned and complimented about her hair, whenever she had it in braids, Celena was encouraged by her friends and family to take on a few clients on the weekends as a side hustle and see how it goes. Within a short period of time, her clientele began to get bigger from word of mouth and weekends weren’t enough to keep up with the demands.

Life was getting busy for Celena from working two part time jobs, having a side hustle, and taking care of a family. “I started to think about my childhood dreams in being a “boss”, owning something, controlling my time, and building a brand and on top of that, I definitely needed a change.

After several months of contemplating, Celena finally made the decision in 2019 to resign her jobs and to focus on building her business Ceehairdesignz. “I was a bit skeptical and scared at the beginning of this journey, which is quite normal with starting anything new.” “Now I have control of my time, I am excited to start my days, I enjoy what I do, and I love to put a smile on my clients’ faces”.

MY MISSION                                                                                                     

To realize each client’s inner beauty and complement their outer beauty with stunning, breathtaking hairstyles.

To serve, inspire and embrace the diversity of beauty in the community

Ceehairdesignz value healthy customer relationships. Courtesy, trust, honesty, kindness, and respect is always given and the same is expected in return.